Epischema for enforcing FoundationXHTML constraints on top of an (X)HTML5 document. In addition to providing the epischema, this repo also provides an oXygen project file, fx.xpr, that sets up XML catalogs that will allow you to use local resources for validation. In oXygen 19, you will have also improved content completion in addition to compound (base HTML schema and epischema) validation. Without loading fx.xpr, validation and completion will work only for namespaced HTML. But also for namespaced HTML, checking out the repository and loading fx.xpr will accelerate things because resources in the checked-out repo will be used. For non-namespaced HTML, you also need to add a line to oXygen’s configuration (see below). In any case, you need to prepend an xml-model processing instruction to your document. For Namespaced HTML: (i.e., xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") Prepend the following XML model instruction to your HTML document: Non-namespaced HTML Insert the following line into the catalog element in frameworks/catalog.xml in the oXygen installation directory: Then restart oxYgen. Prepend the following XML model instruction to your HTML document: